Interview with Mike Bove

Jefferson interviewed his friend and fellow poet Mike Bove about Mike’s new book EYE for the Fall issue of The Hole in the Head Review. In response to how Mike managed to write EYE over the course of the last snow storm of 2023, he said:

"And yes, the whole experience was a lot of effort but also very liberating. There’s so much play in this book, even if much of the subject matter is serious. I look back at those five days and I’m amazed I wrote so much. And I did other things too! I took walks with my family, took my boys skiing with my brother, even attended your book launch that weekend. I also shoveled the driveway more times than I can remember. But in every other moment I was writing. That’s what I was thinking with 'This Poem Isn't Going to Write Itself.' A common stereotype is that the muse visits and the work just pours out, as if the writer is simply a conduit for the universe’s magic. I always thought that made it sound so passive, when for me writing has always been active. Even when it comes easily, it’s still the product of years of active practice."